Lol , end of 2024...
A lot happened this year, unfortunately not at the cabin. We are getting our health back and with that is a desire to finish things.

Photo blog of a cabin remodel located in northern Michigan.
Lol , end of 2024...
A lot happened this year, unfortunately not at the cabin. We are getting our health back and with that is a desire to finish things.
Well, I'm getting pretty bad at posting. For 2023 is almost over and here we are doing an update post. Hank passed on Memorial Day, he was a good dog.
In August, we adopted Luna and she has been a joy ( as well as a ball of puppyhood all rolled up).
Well it's that time again, winter camp!!! Once again, it's a solo weekend, just me and the mutts. Missing Abbie but she is with Maria. Tried to go walking this morning and Hunter had problems and so I took Hank and him back to the cabin.
6AM fire to warm the cabin up. At 9am it's so warm we are stripping down to a t-shirt.
Walking around the block scenery today.
Back of the cabin in the trees.