Monday, October 31, 2011

stairs stairs stairs

Well October 30th was mild and clear ( for once). Woodstove really worked to get cabin into the comfortable range ( 65-70 degrees).

Our only task was the staircase, taking the trial run and adjusting our "real" 2x12's took two tries but better right then making firewood.

Pictures show the efforts made, the system of parts are tacked in place, the cutting and moving and re-marking wore me out. Know when to quit!!!! Took time to stare at it and drink a hot tea ( Earl Grey of course).

Had a really cool looking red headed woodpecker eating at the birdfeeder. And lots of squirrrels.

Next trip we will make final adjustments to the stringers and then glue and screw time. Need to setup table saw to cut the stair treads.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oct. 23rd leaf raking day

R we there yet???

Sheesh everyone grumps about driving up north sometimes, or they are all asleep.

Fall 2011 from the front porch. Would be nice if those two buildings went away, you can see the lake but the camera doesn't show it very well.

Self portrait. Nice day at cabin, we were there by 11AM and had a good time, pizza for lunch. Temps in cabin were 40ish and within an hour had it up to 65 then to 75 with the woodstove working. Heat is definitely upstairs not worried about heating house as I was previously. hunter was snoring on couch, all tired out from walking and playing outside. Hank curled up in front of stove.

Zone electric should take care of bath and bedrooms. Really wished we could have done the insulation this year. We got the stairs template cut out. I used a scrap piece of wood for our first run, really hard to visualize the whole thing till I cut it out then it fell into place. I can see why some carpenters do not do stairs and leave it to others.

And yes, it is a tad low where we want to put the oven unit. Try not to notice that detail just yet. Or the really small closet space that will be created behind the stairs. Oh well.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1st- feels like November

Well every year has this day,time to shut down the cabin. Night time temps were about 33-35 degrees and someone had to stay up to keep the fire going. We camped out and did ok, burned a lot of wood though. Breakfast was a culinary delight and even the boys got a plate of eggs and bacon with side of potatoes. Hank and hunter are working on "wait" in the picture .
Ben is learning the hatchett. He has a bit to go in that department.
End of the year, flannel season will commence!!! The coathook will get installed next year as soon as we insulate the walls and such. We will still go up and play but no overnites at the cabin during the winter.

We have several projects to work on too, stairs are all stained and ready to go. That would be a big help in working on the upstairs. Electric needs to be run and in place then we insulate.

Finish the bathroom, insulate ceiling and hang drywall, install tub etc.

Plenty to do, supplies are there waiting for us to install.