Monday, December 26, 2011

Dec. 26th

Ceiling fan getting installed. We need to get wall built on right side of stairs so wire can be worked down to the switch box.

Wow 40 degrees today. Nice day to be up north, blue skies too. Ben tried out his pellet gun out back. Woodstove kept place very toasty.

I'm sick of posting pictures of the stairs, but we got to the last two and then they will all be installed. Need table saw to cut two risers and then we will be done.

Anyways enough steps were done that kids and dogs are going upstairs. Hank was totally freaked about being upstairs, funny since he climbs trees at the drop of a squirrel.

Hunter was sleeping next to me while I sat in chair. We built a safety rail on end and need to fill it in a bit to keep everyone from leaning over the edge. First step is a doosie.....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dec. 18th

Mr. Hank trying out the first steps that are completely nailed down. Actually screwed and glued....
Remianing steps will be done next trip. We had to repair the center support and let it harden(gluewise) and we ran out of shims for the face risers.

We built the scaffolding back up in the living room area to install the ceiling fan next.

Need to build wall upstairs to allow for wiring to travel from crawl space to upstairs too.