Saturday weather WAS PERFECT for October. Wow, warm, slight breeze and colors aplenty. Spent time doing "NOTHING" and just being. We did look at potential spots for the shed. The green tarp was spread out to simulate the width of the shed so we could look at it from the house. It will be a 10x12 shed with 3 foot front lip and a 3 foot side that is sheltered.
These two clowns are looking for the chipmunk which had already snuck out the other end and took off.
And a shot of one of the cooking most requested dinners. Beer bread with "bratghetti". Basically brats with the skins removed and cooked in red wine. Then added to marinara and spaghetti . The beer bread this time was a onion, garlic, chive recipe. Very tasty. We also made oatmeal cookies which do not last very long, no need for storage containers.
I did do some work on siding, we need 18!!!! pieces to call the three main walls completed. I also put 2 cases of flooring down in the kitchen and figure we need at least 3 more to finish hall. Two big projects finally done. Next trip we are trimming the bathroom door and hooking up the electric heater upstairs. We built a small fire in the stove when we arrived to beat off the chill in the place. Time goes too fast somedays. Nap and it was 4.30 time to drive back. Left the heater on for the pump room. Supposed to be cold Sunday night and do not want to freeze up the pump. Probably need to switch to winter camping next time up.