We also dealt with the "toilet" issue and that went down the drain, so good for us on that one.
Here are some pics, it was about 12 degreeeeeeeees cold and we still had a blast. Kids keep asking about tv, computer and food when we go here. I ran the generator off the back of the truck ( -parked in road) and had a small heater to take some of the chill off inside. It did help a bit but was still pretty cold.
I think this is the back property line....
We were visited by our chief architect.... notice the hat position... also notice wall openings, I had a bit of fun kicking the walls in ( not hard the way they put them up). That door is opening to bathroom.
Back of place
The Porch out front'

South side of house. The door in pix is to the water pump.
Next trip is the big ripout. March 14th and 15th we take out the old insides and then we begin.
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