Saturday, August 8, 2009

Camp Bear-Buck 2009

Welcome to Camp Bear-Buck!!!!! It's the 2009 camping trip and we are , yes we are, live-blogging from the camp!!!!! We got no "toilet", but we got broadband.

Arrived Friday late, tired , stressed out... We popped a screen over the old window and got it open to catch the lake breeze. Kinda muggy but by 11 it was a cool breeze so much I cut the opening by half.

We popped out our remote surfing tools and lo and behold, thar be broadband out there and it's wide open.

In the pix, there is a small blue light on the wall, that is our repeater-booster that has a connection. Kids now know the phrase, " Two blue good, red-blue bad". Apparently , our friends are connected to Charter cable and we got zippy conections. I know who has the link, so I will go buy something from them.

On Saturday, we had the "pot-o-coffee" then fired up our camp stove for breakfast.


Pancakes with blueberries ( not "sauce" like some resturants fake)

Farm Milk

Farm Eggs


More info later, it's raining hard right now, so we are sitting tight.


  1. Wow! Great time. I wish we were all there. Next summer for sure....

  2. Too warm down here for camping. About 85 right now and the gators are out. Sarah is at the ocean/beach. Kids go back to school next week. Where did the summer go?
