Monday, January 30, 2012

January 29th

Weather was typical wintertime, about 27 degrees for highs. We drove up kinda late but figured we needed to spend some time on the floor project. Built the fire and went to work....

Laid 2 sheets down and got them all glued and screwed. We have one more to go then second floor will be done. After that there are some small pieces needed to be cut for the front wall section. We saved them for last to use scraps for them.

Not much roof snow, I think the breeze off lake helps blow it off for us. Driveway was deep enough we should have it plowed but rain is in the forecast for the week.

Window opening are 22x 36 for the back wall. Need to get pricing on them.

We are under $12,000 on the mortgage, just got statement.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 7th Bonus Day

Well temps stayed moderate and we spent the day at the cabin. Put in 2.5 sheets of OSB. Next week temps are looking to not get out of the 20's and that is a tad cold for working.

We also went to Home Depot and bought more supplies, should have enough 2x4's to do walls upstairs now.

There are 3 sheets to lay and the floor will be one, unfortunately all 3 need major cutting. All sheets have been custom cuts due to the "squareness" of the old building.

Kids are excited that there will be a bedroom upstairs for this years camping season.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New years eve- "It is done...." mostly

Finally got all the stairs installed. NO MORE STAIR REPORTS!!! Hank was freaked out on going up the stairs and had a hard time getting up to the loft. On the right side of pix you can also see the flooring was put in and the wall that will be installed for that side. We got 5 sheets of OSB to lay down then the floor will be done upstairs.

The stars indicate what we are taking out next spring. Sitting in the loft there is no good visibility looking outside. These windows will not open just glass for view.