Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 "when winter begins"

Well quite the storm blew in from Canada for Thanksgiving. We arrived on Friday afternoon and hurried to make a fire and warm up the place. The next day we awoke to snow, reports were up to 8 inches just north of the lake, we got 3 inches of snow but it was piled up with the wind. We kept the fire going all night, thanks the night watch....

The vapor barrier REALLY knocks the wind out, it was blowing like crazy and we did not feel it inside, even though the insulation is minimal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 10-11

No pictures, kinda hard to get excited over hanging drywall and running electrical. Anyways, we hung 4 sheets of drywall and worked on the electrical outlets. Downstairs bedroom has power and lights!!! Also got the lights upstairs started so that should be done real soon. Weather was nice, warm front blew through and felt good.

We are looking at flooring choices for the bedroom now. Need to get it covered as the OSB is hard to keep clean.

We cooked up some  chicken Alfredo which is now the kids fav food request. Kids got dominoes and writing journals, plenty to do even if it rains.