Sunday, June 23, 2013

back into the bathroom

Nice weekend weather.....

Installed the tub surround and wall for the tub. Finished the floor and worked on making it level so we can get flooring in there. No more slivers after taking a shower!!!

Our robins came back for a second nesting, I had tossed the first nest since it was empty and they built it again. I will put moth balls up once they are done with these four eggs.

Got 2 more sheets of drywall to hang in bathroom and then time to mud it up! Need to adjust door and install the doorknob so bathroom will be complete.

Big H (hunter) is a big fraidy cat when people set off fireworks. Need to really watch him when the noise starts. He slept right next to me with his head on the bed so I could hold him last night.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Let there be light.... in the kitchen

We can see !!!!!  No more clamp light in the kitchen. W00t!!

Took a climb down under but well worth it. You can also see some of the drywall that has also been hung up. We got 4 sheets for the bathroom and then 3 more sheets for the kitchen and bedroom to finish up these rooms. 
Saturday had a tension headache so pretty much napped and laid around. Maria won the longest nap contest she was just tuckered out I guess. Hunter thinks he owns the bed now and even demands a better pillow for his fat head.

Baby robins are all moved out so the nest was pitched and we can now start work on the siding in the front of the house. Probably got 2-3 hours of electrical work at the panel to complete to turn on various circuits. there is one run still to run under the house by the woodstove but that is in a hard to get to place.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Memorial Day weekend

Nice weekend, no rain, no wind, no cold. Well a little chilly one morning but not too bad. Spent weekend installing electric cabling and hanging 5 sheets of 12 foot drywall. Pollen season was in full bloom and got pretty sick Sunday night, could not breathe through nose at all. Very bad for sleeping.

Our new front porch tenant had 4 babies. Two of them poking up above the edge. Kids had fun watching them from inside the bedroom. I expect they will be gone in a week or so.